Title: “The Contemporary Gladiator: A Pioneering Kickboxing Film from Memphis”

In the vibrant city of Memphis, where history and culture intersect, a remarkable film emerged in 1988. Its title: “The Contemporary Gladiator.” This groundbreaking work was not only a cinematic achievement but also a testament to the resilience and determination of its creator, Anthony “Amp” Elmore.

Elmore, a five-time world kickboxing champion, wrote, produced, directed, and starred in this trailblazing film. His goal was clear: to inspire young minds by sharing his own extraordinary journey. But little did he know that his work would eventually rewrite the annals of world film history.

The story begins with a skinny kid named Elmore, who struggled with sports but found solace in the teachings of a Black Karate teacher. Under the guidance of “Old Japanese Shotokan Karate,” Elmore dedicated himself to the martial arts. Meanwhile, in 1974, a new sport emerged in America: PKA Full Contact Karate, where opponents adhered to safety rules while delivering powerful kicks and punches.

Elmore’s determination grew as he watched cable television broadcasts of PKA matches. On May 29, 1982, he achieved his dream, winning the PKA Heavyweight title by defeating Demetrius “Oak Tree” Edwards. But Elmore’s ambitions extended beyond the ring; he wanted to tell his story to the world.
Inspired by Spike Lee’s film “She’s Gotta Have It,” Elmore enrolled in college, took English and typing courses, and wrote a movie script. Mortgaging his home, he assembled a film crew and embarked on the production of “The Contemporary Gladiator.” Little did he know that this film would become Memphis’s first independent 35mm theatrical production.

Yet, despite his achievements, Elmore faced adversity. Racism persisted, leaving him puzzled by the mistreatment he endured in his own city. It wasn’t until December 2023 that Elmore stumbled upon a revelation during an online search. The answer came forth: the 1989 film “Kickboxer,” starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, had been previously credited as the first kickboxing film in world history.

But Elmore’s film, “The Contemporary Gladiator,” had quietly made its mark. It was the true pioneer—a testament to Memphis’s resilience, creativity, and cultural contributions. Linn Sitler of the Memphis Shelby County Film Commission had withheld this recognition from Elmore, but destiny had other plans.

And so, in the annals of world cinema, “The Contemporary Gladiator” stands tall—a testament to a Black Memphian’s unwavering spirit, a celebration of kickboxing, and a beacon of inspiration for generations to come. Elmore’s legacy lives on, reminding us that sometimes, the greatest stories unfold in the most unexpected corners of our world.